Our first priority in the workplace is to protect the health and wellbeing of all our employees and contractors. We recognise that the success of our business depends on a safe and healthy workforce, and this is our goal.
SafeWork approach
We train our employees to identify, manage, mitigate and effectively deal with hazards that could cause harm to our people.
Our Australian coal business was the original founder of a global Glencore initiative called SafeWork. Now used across our operations worldwide, SafeWork focuses on changing attitudes towards safety to bring about sustainable long-term change.
SafeWork gives everyone in our business the tools and knowledge to perform their tasks safely by implementing life-saving behaviours and protocols developed to target known hazards.
SafeWork key components
We prioritise and address the most common causes of fatalities and serious injuries in the mining industry.
We encourage workers to focus on hazards with the highest potential for serious injury or fatality, and to apply identified critical safety behaviours.
We offer tools such as universal risk awareness training, virtual reality training materials on each fatal hazard, and other training aids.
We encourage first-line supervisors to take responsibility for their work areas, manage technical safety and motivate safe behaviours.
Bringing about long-term sustainable change, to eliminate fatalities and serious injuries.
Responsible Sourcing
Responsible sourcing is our commitment to take into account social, ethical and environmental considerations with regards to our products and supply chains and when managing our relationships with suppliers.
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