Community documents
Landowners or occupiers of any residence within 2 kilometres of the mine's operational area are entitled to be notified about the blasting schedule at the mine.
Ulan Open Cut is not currently operating so there are no blasts planned.
The Bobadeen Quarry has operated on an as needed basis since 2017. Blast notifications will be sent to those registered to receive the blast notifications. To register, to be removed from the register or for further information please contact the Ulan Coal Environment & Community Department via our contact form or on +61 2 6372 5300.
The compilation of the information contained in this section of Ulan Coal's website relies upon material and data derived from a number of third party sources. This information is intended to provide guidance material only regarding industry skills concerning contractor management, control of energy, associated non-technical skills and contractors' legal obligations. It is not designed or intended to replace or be used instead of an appropriately designed safety management plan for each individual mine. End users should rely on their own advice, skills, and experience in formulating and implementing risk and safety management systems in individual workplaces, which must be appropriately designed for those workplaces.
Use of these documents does not relieve the user (or a person on whose behalf it is used) of any obligation or duty that might arise under any legislation covering any activities to which these documents may be applied.
The information in these documents is provided voluntarily and for information purposes only. Ulan Coal Mines Ltd does not guarantee that the information is complete, current or correct and accepts no responsibility for any unsuitable or inaccurate content that may exist.
The authors, publishers or editors of these documents will not be held liable for any loss or damage whatsoever (including liability for negligence and consequential losses) suffered by any person acting in reliance or purported reliance upon the guidance material contained within them.
Interactive training presentation with voiceover
This interactive version of the training presentation can be used for individuals to work through at their own pace or may be used by a facilitator in lieu of the presentation when delivering the Communication Training Package to a group. It is recommended that all facilitators view this Interactive Training Presentation prior to presenting the Communication Training Package Presentation in either format.
Instructions for use: All sections of each slide must be viewed (via clicking on buttons, headings, etc. as directed) before the user can progress to the next slide. In some circumstances, the back arrow must be pressed to view further sub-sections of the main slide before progressing. This presentation will not allow the user to progress via the forward arrow unless ALL sections and sub-sections of each slide are fully listened to and/or viewed.
Community complaints and enquiries and blasting register
24 hours/7days
Community complaints and enquiries
Tel: 1800 647 630
Blasting register
Tel: +61 2 6372 5300