Approvals documents
Development Consents
Some of the development approvals at West Wallsend Colliery and Macquarie Coal Preparation Plant (MCPP) include:
- West Wallsend Continued Operations Project Approval (09_0203)
- West Wallsend Project Approval Modification 21 October 2014
- Private Haul Road Consent (89/0012)
- MCPP Consent (1981 Consent)
- Extension to Surface Facilities – Coal Stockpiles (included in Stockton Colliery DA, 90/0725)
Mining Leases
Some of the key mining titles for West Wallsend Colliery and MCPP include:
- CCL 725
- CCL 718
- ML 1336
- ML 1438
- ML 1451
- PPL 153
- MPL 0323.
Environmental Protection Licences
Both West Wallsend Colliery and MCPP are governed by a single Environmental Protection Licence (EPL), EPL1360
Great Greta is covered by EPL 20055