Our operation has a comprehensive community engagement program that extends to Borroloola, other communities in the Gulf region and the wider Territory community.
Underpinned by open and transparent engagement, we work to form genuine and meaningful relationships with our stakeholders and give back to the communities where we operate.
Our stakeholder engagement approach is to prioritise engagements with local people and in face-to-face forums. Our Borroloola office welcomes an average of around 150 visits per month, where community members can engage with our people in a relaxed and informal atmosphere.
MRM Community Reference Group
As part of the Northern Territory Government’s approval of McArthur River Mine's Overburden Management Project in August 2019, McArthur River Mine was required to support the government in establishing an independent Community Reference Group (CRG) for the mine site.
The CRG is chaired by Mr Richard Galton and includes representatives of Roper Gulf Regional Council, the Environment Centre of the Northern Territory and eight community members. The chair and all members are independently appointed by the Minister for Mining.
The CRG held its first meeting in July 2023 and meets quarterly with senior leaders from McArthur River Mine and the Northern Territory Government.
Cultural Heritage Management
McArthur River Mine has fully implemented its Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan (ACHMP) to protecting and respecting sacred sites. The ACHMP details how sites are protected and monitored for physical or environmental impacts.
An education program is in place across the business to ensure leaders, planners and the broader workforce are aware of their responsibilities under the Plan.
Formal engagement on cultural heritage management is through the Gudanji Yanyuwa Garrwa and Marra Aboriginal Corporation, which is representative of traditional owners and custodians for cultural heritage on the land where we operate.
Cultural Celebrations
National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) and Reconciliation Weeks are a time of celebration at McArthur River Mine as workers from across the business come together to share stories and show their respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture.
Activities during NAIDOC Week and Reconciliation Week include a Welcome to Country, dances, concerts, sporting events, workshops and even a spear-throwing competition.
Indigenous Employment
McArthur River Mine's Local Language Employment Program is focussed on providing opportunities for people living in local community or connected to local language groups.
The program is advertised through word of mouth in community to attract candidates. Through this program, Indigenous employees as a percentage of the workforce continues to grow, with around 1 in 4 of our employees identifying as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander.
Community Benefits Trust
The McArthur River Mine Community Benefits Trust is a unique partnership between Glencore’s McArthur River Mine, the Northern Territory Government and the local community. The Trust was established in 2007 for the live of mining.
McArthur River Mine contributes $1.4 million every year in funding to the Community Benefits Trust and the Trust has invested more than $22 million into around 170 programs in areas that include health, education, job creation, arts and culture and the environment.
Annual Charity Golf Days
The McArthur River Mine Charity Golf Days are held annually to raise money for local charities. In 2023 we partnered with the Humpty Dumpty Foundation to raise money for life-saving medical equipment for babies and children in Northern Territory hospitals and health centres.
The 2024 events were widely supported by our local contractors and suppliers raising more than $120,000 for the Humpty Dumpty Foundation.
The Community Benefits Trust is a joint partnership between the Gulf region community, the Northern Territory Government and McArthur River Mine.
It is funded by an annual donation from McArthur River Mine of $1.5 million.
Independent board
The Community Benefits Trust has an independent board, comprising:
- two representatives of the Gudanji, Yanyuwa, Garrwa and Marra language groups
- two Borroloola representatives
- two directors appointed by the Northern Territory Government
- two directors appointed by McArthur River Mine.
Legacy fund established
The Community Benefits Trust Board established a legacy fund containing an initial $1 million in 2018 to ensure funding continues for community benefit at end of mine life.
The trust currently contributes an additional $250,000 annually. It is intended that the legacy fund will become self-sustaining over time.
Community development program
The Community Benefits Trust operates under a three-year rolling community development program involving extensive engagement with the local community.
Visit the Community Benefits Trust website for more information.
Health and safety