Our diverse Australian operations are located primarily in rural and regional areas and generate significant economic and social benefits for local businesses and communities.

Glencore Australia's contribution in 2023

  • 22

    Active mining operations

  • $23.5b

    To local, state and national economies

  • 7,000

    Suppliers across Australia

  • $12.9b

    Direct payments for goods and services

Working with local suppliers

We aim to build strong, long-term relationships with a broad range of suppliers, who provide a wide variety of goods and services to our business.

Glencore requires all suppliers to be competitive in the products or services they provide. While we do not set quotas or percentage targets around local procurement, we acknowledge there are many benefits from working with suppliers located in the regions where we operate.

Our procurement and supply teams work closely with local and regional businesses.

Working with us

Each year, our operations work with thousands of suppliers across Australia to ensure we source quality products and services required to keep our mining operations running smoothly.

We value our suppliers and are proud of the contribution they make to our company.

Our suppliers are important partners in our commitment to operate safely, efficiently and responsibly. Through our Global Supplier Standards , we set out our expectations for ethical business practices, safety and health requirements, adherence to human rights legislation and environmental stewardship.

View our Code of ConductSupplier Code of Conduct, and other relevant policies on Glencore.com. You will also find answers to frequently asked supplier questions on our Ask Glencore page.

Procurement contact details

In Australia, our individual commodity business units manage our procurement. For information on working with Glencore in your region, contact the procurement departments below.

Glencore Australia Corporate
Tel: +61 2 8247 6300
Email: Glencore Australia procurement team

Tel: +61 2 4925 6400
Email: Coal procurement team
Visit our coal suppliers page to learn more.

Queensland Metals
Tel: +61 7 3220 8000
Email: Suppliers Help Desk
Visit the Queensland Metals suppliers page to learn more.

McArthur River Mine
Tel: +61 8 8922 9422
Email: ICN NT Resources team
Visit the McArthur River suppliers page to learn more, or visit the ICN Gateway to register your interest.

Murrin Murrin Operations
Tel: +61 8 9212 8400
Email: Murrin Murrin procurement team
Visit the Murrin Murrin Operations suppliers page to learn more.

Aurukun Bauxite Project
Email: Aurukun procurement team
Visit the Aurukun Bauxite Project suppliers page to learn more.