Resourceful December 2020

Welcome to the December 2020 edition of Resourceful, the Queensland Metals newsletter.

Browse our latest stories below.

Students turn the page on 2020 as Books in Homes program continues

Glencore-funded Books in Homes packs continue to build the foundations of a literature-rich environment for students in north-west Queensland.

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Around for the long haul - Kress Slag Pot Carriers

Kress Slag Pot Carriers, known around Mount Isa Mines’ Copper Smelter as 'Kress Haulers', perform one of the site's most critical roles.

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Students get their hands dirty while learning about Oresome trades

Year 10 students recently enjoyed working alongside Mount Isa Mines’ apprentices and qualified tradespeople during the Queensland Minerals and Energy Academy (QMEA) Oresome Trades Camp.

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Communities unite to share in the spirit of Christmas

Glencore’s Queensland Metals recently supported the Cloncurry and Mount Isa local councils to welcome in the festive season and bring some cheer to the local community.

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Glencore’s local employment pathway continues to deliver

Glencore’s School Leaver Pathway Program provides an exciting opportunity for local year 12 graduates to explore a variety of entry level roles in the mining and resource industry.

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‘Fan-tache-tic’ fundraising efforts by employees across Queensland Metals

Groups and individuals from across our Queensland Metals business came together to support the annual November Movember event by focusing on producing better health outcomes for men.

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